Jessica Lynn

listening for that still small voice

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When Life Fails to Sparkle

“You may have dreamed an impossible dream only to have it turn into a nightmare… Maybe you dreamed of a new start but now are struggling to make it work.  Perhaps the whispers of others are shouting louder than their praise.  You have a world of responsibilities sitting on your shoulders, and you’re just not sure you can handle it all…”

“Bring Jesus into your home and invite him into your heart.  He doesn’t know the word impossible because with him all things are possible.”

Tonight as I was reading Matthew 1:17 – 5:20 in my Women’s Devotional Bible, the above excerpt was taken from a daily devotional within, titled “Impossible Dreams” based on Matthew 1:18-25.  The weight of these words seemed to resonate with me.

This Sunday, the message was about Jesus being the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6).  That Jesus didn’t say he was “a” way.  Jesus said he was the “Only” way.  Our pastor made a reference to people being in a hurry, coming to a stairway and how people now a days rush to get on the stairs first.  He asked us how our walk was with Jesus?  When we get to the stairs do we barge in front, “Out of my way” mentality or do we pause, step aside and say, “After you Jesus.”  Are we following Jesus through the ups and the downs, or like me… do we feel the need to take over, take charge.

I find myself floating back and forth between following and needing to be in control.  Do I trust Jesus?  Yes.  But…  

There should be no but, but there is.  When life fails to sparkle, when the dreams turn into nightmares, when our plans don’t turn out exactly the way we wanted or in our timing.  Who hasn’t had some sort of disappointment in life?

When life hurts as it often does, it’s easy to wonder where God is in all the mess.  If He truly loved me…  What did I do to deserve this?  If I do enough good deeds, maybe I can turn this around…  If He allowed that, what else will he allow in my life?  And it’s hard to follow.  It’s hard to trust.

But I’m reminded in these passages that God knows messy.  Joseph, the father to be of the Savior of the world, was considering divorcing Mary.  Mary was trying to explain that she was with child “through the Holy Spirit.”  Try explaining that as a young girl to your parents, your future husband.  Despite the angel of the Lord appearing to Joseph and Joseph deciding to follow as commanded, how many times might doubts have crept into his mind.  Is this for real??  What if I’m raising another man’s child?  What if people think we couldn’t wait till we were married?  The rumors, the shame, the impossible explanation.  

But Joseph put his faith in God and he followed.  When the angel of the Lord told him to flee to Egypt, he got up and went.  When the angel of the Lord told him to return to Isreal, he got up and went.  When he came to deciding points in his life, he stepped aside and “followed” God.  Joseph didn’t say, “let’s try it my way first, I think it will work better.”  Or, “I’m not so sure the timing really works for me, you see I have these plans, and timelines for my life.”

The angle tells Joseph, “do not be afraid”  Why?  Because, when we fear we veer from the path of following to a path of our own making. When we walk with Jesus, or dare I say, when we “follow” Jesus we’re walking in the light.  We shine his light through us and become a light in the world for him. When dreams seem impossible, more than ever we need to turn and say, “After you Jesus.”  

We can sparkle even when life fails to sparkle.  

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help us to not be wayward, drifting when the wind blows.  Help us to be steadfast in keeping our gaze on you, following you, and stepping aside, allowing you to lead the way.  Lord we long to shine for you in this world.  Help us to look outside our troubles.  When you call, we want to be ready and willing to get up and go.  That we will be available to others looking for glimmers of hope, mercy, and love.
